Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tyson Beckford on Matt Damon -- ‘You Can’t Denounce the Gun’ If You Make Millions Using Guns

From Breitbart's Big Hollywood:
Ralph Lauren model Tyson Beckford recently spoke to Matt Damon’s anti-gun rhetoric by observing that it looks hypocritical to “denounce the gun” while you make millions holding a gun in your hand.

Beckford made the comments to a TMZ reporter who caught up with him as he exited the Katana restaurant in West Hollywood.

The TMZ reporter asked Beckford what he thought about the “$25 million” Damon made for his latest film, Jason Bourne. Beckford responded, “Hey, if you can get it, get it.” Then he paused and added, “But I thought he was anti-gun?”

The TMZ reporter pointed out that “there was a stink about [Damon] holding a gun on the Jason Bourne advertisement.” Beckford responded, “Yes, because he claims he’s not 2A friendly. You can’t sit there and denounce the gun when the gun is making you money… Me personally, I don’t play that. I’m 2A all day, but I guess it’s Hollywood.”
Nice to hear about someone, anyone finally calling out Matt Damon for the hypocrite that he is.

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