Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Texas AG -- Charged by a Rigged Grand Jury for ‘a Crime that Does Not Exist’

From Breitbart Texas:
Lawyers for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton have filed an appeal arguing that the AG was indicted by a rigged grand jury for a crime that does not exist.

Paxton’s defense team has filed an appeal, called a petition for discretionary review, in the highest criminal court in Texas.

In a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas, Dallas-based lawyer William B. Mateja said, “This petition was filed with the Court of Criminal Appeals to not only correct the lower court’s mistake but to end this improper prosecution … Ken Paxton has been charged with a crime that simply doesn’t exist, using a grand jury that was improperly impaneled.”
Since the Dims can't win in the ballot box, they are resorting to lawfare to dispose of their political opponents.

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