Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Dying on the Sidewalk of Nancy Pelosi's Sanctuary City

From the American Thinker Blog:
An illegal immigrant barred from having a gun shoots at sea lions and accidentally kills a young woman minding her own business and Obama, who lives in a constant state of indignation about the Second Amendment, has nothing to say?

Equally silent is San Francisco’s very own Nancy Pelosi. Nancy conjured up a fantasy scenario about imaginary women dying on the floor and vowed to protect a woman’s right to murder children, and did it while bestowing symbolic citizenship on and asylum to illegals whose major contribution to America thus far has been ever-mounting death and destruction.

Hence, without further ado, Americans have a moral duty to demand that liberal Democrat apologists who support illegal immigration finally account for the gross recklessness that has resulted in yet another senseless, untimely death.
Why isn't ABC, NBC, CBS, MS-NBC, CNN, et. al rushing to ask US Senator Diane Feinstein, who was the first to sign a law declaring San Fransisco a sanctuary city? How about US Senator Barbara Boxer? Gavin Newsome? and of course Barack Obama?

Would any of these progressive tolerate a Texan town declaring they are a sanctuary city from federal taxes and regulation?

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