Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

S.F. Sheriff Defends Releasing Killer, Calls Trump ‘Opportunist’

From Breitbart California:
San Francisco’s Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi is defending the intentional April release of five-times-deported Mexican national Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, who has since confessed to the Wednesday shooting death of a young woman at Pier 14.

Sheriff Mirkarimi appeared agitated as he spoke to San Francisco-based KRON 4 News, casting blame on U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for not filing a formal court application to detain Lopez-Sanchez. In a separate CNN interview, Mirkarimi defended his refusal of ICE detainers. He called ICE policy the “imperfect deportation and transferring of people.”

It is San Francisco Sheriff’s department policy to deny all ICE detainer requests. He indicated that he only honors court orders.
So, it's policy to ignore Federal law? This clown needs to be arrested and tried for obstruction of justice, federally.

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