Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 1, 2015

Today's college feminists are too fragile to read

From Glenn Harlan Reynolds of Instapundit via USA Today: Some background:
Feminist professor Laura Kipnis of Northwestern University published an essay in The Chronicle of Higher Education in February, decrying "sexual paranoia" on campus and the way virtually any classroom mention of sex was being subjected to an odd sort of neo-Victorian prudery: "Students were being encouraged to regard themselves as such exquisitely sensitive creatures that an errant classroom remark could impede their education, as such hothouse flowers that an unfunny joke was likely to create lasting trauma. ... In the post-Title IX landscape, sexual panic rules. Slippery slopes abound."

This article sat poorly with campus activists, who in response reported her for sexual harassment, on the theory that this article (and a follow-up tweet — yes, that's right, a tweet) somehow might have created a hostile environment for female students, which would violate Title IX as interpreted by the Education Department.
So anything that upsets the collegiate feminist world view must now be punished!
At least, that's what happened to Kipnis, who describes what she calls her Title IX inquisition in a lengthy essay in the Chronicle of Higher Education on Friday. The university's investigators wouldn't tell her who made the charges or even, for some time, what the charges were, which is typical of these Kafkaesque proceedings. While Kipnis was allowed to bring a faculty "support person" to her hearing, "support person" was not allowed to speak. After the hearing, a Title IX complaint was filed against the speechless "support person."
So you CAN'T know the the charges! You CAN"T know who made the charges, and your speechless "support person" is also charged, just for being there.
The good news is that Kipnis' experience has generated a national wave of outrage. Even feminist website Jezebel wrote: "As feminist student activists fight to expand their circle of vulnerability in collegiate life, Title IX has gone from a law designed to protect college students from sexual misconduct and discrimination to a means by which professors are put on trial for their tweets." 

In New York magazine, Jonathan Chait observed: "I highly doubt that the inquiry against Kipnis will result in any important formal sanction. ... But the slim possibility of actual administrative punishment is not the problem her story reveals. The problem is that a major body of progressive campus thought believes her publication of a dissenting column merits punishment."
So, radical feminist are starting to eat their own and finally realize, this is not a good thing.

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