Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 1, 2015

Schieffer - Media 'not skeptical enough' of Obama in 2008

From Rick Moran at the American Thinker Blog:
From Politico:

CBS’ Bob Schieffer says that perhaps reporters in the media “were not skeptical enough” of President Barack Obama as a presidential candidate in 2008, telling Fox News’ Howard Kurtz that the whole political world was struck by the sudden rise of the senator from Illinois.

Asked whether the media gave Obama an “incredibly easy ride” when he broke onto the scene, the veteran newsman acknowledged that it’s the job of reporters to be skeptical of political figures..

“I don’t know. Maybe we were not skeptical enough. It was a campaign,” Schieffer said in the interview, which aired Sunday, adding that it is the role of the opponents to “make the campaign.”

“I think, as journalists, basically what we do is watch the campaign and report what the two sides are doing,” he said.
Skepticism of Obama back in 2008 would have been nice, but I think most Republicans would have settled for a little fairness in coverage – especially of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. And, of course, despite mountains of evidence that Obama is an incompetent, radical demagogue, he is still getting the benefit of glowing coverage by a fawning media.
Bob, You're about 7 years too late with your confession and a disgrace to the 4th estate.

So will the Media redeem itself when covering Hillary and the 2016 campaign? I for one will not be holding my breath because Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, have combined, in the last 3 months, have already gotten more scrutiny than Hillary has, in the last 6 years.

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