Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, May 31, 2015

When District Attorneys Attack

From Kevin D. Williamson at National Review:
[Orange County's] entire prosecutorial apparatus — all 250 lawyers in the district attorney’s office — have been disqualified from participation in a high-profile capital-murder case following revelations that the office colluded with the Orange County sheriff’s department to systematically suppress potentially exculpatory evidence in at least three dozen cases, committing what legal scholars have characterized as perjury and obstruction of justice in the process.
What? Why?
Orange County law enforcement and prosecutors were in the habit of placing targeted suspects in proximity to criminal informants, who were rewarded with reduced sentences, favors, or money — payments in some instances ran into the six figures — for helping put together cases against jailed suspects. This practice is illegal.
Time for the DOJ, yes I know the corrupt, the obviously partisan one, to investigate the OC Ag's office and Sheriff's Department and root out all involved! Any prosecutor involved need to be disbarred. Every participant needs to be indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and serve HARD TIME. And any case tainted need to be prosecuted by the State AG, in another county. And because of this, many career criminals will get released and commit more crimes. And any County supervisor who does not support the house cleaning, needs to be defeated.

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