Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The case of Rachel Dolezal - strange but not surprising

From Paul Mirengoff at Powerline Blog:
President Obama should weigh in. He is, after all, our explainer-in-chief when it comes to race. I’d also like to hear from Eric Holder. Or is he part of the “nation of cowards” when it comes to discussing race?

Anyone who has observed what certain parents and their kids will claim to enhance their prospects for admission to the college of their choice won’t be surprised by Dolezal’s false claims about her race. Anyone who observed the rise of “wiggers” in the 1990s, when it is said that 70 to 75 percent of purchases of rap music were by whites, won’t be surprised that Dolezal strongly identified with blacks.

Take the opportunity to combine advantage with chic, throw in a disturbed, guilt-ridden personality, and you can understand Dolezal’s case.
This mental illness must be the same one that afflicts Emma "Mattress Girl" Sulkowicz.
The NAACP appears to be standing behind Dolezal. It’s not shocking, and not to be despised, that the organization will accept a white chapter president. What’s disappointing is that it will accept a liar. (Editor's Emphasis) I guess race hustling has become an acceptable form of lying.
Well, Harvard hasn't fire Elizabeth "Fauxcohontas" Warren yet, and the people of Massachusetts did elect her and Obama to office. So being aliar is not a big deal to liberals, IF you're a liberal.

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