Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Stop Making Excuses for Rachel Dolezal; The Spokane NAACP’s Fraud Is Unforgivable

From Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon:
[S]ocial media is already seizing on the debate over whether someone who “identifies as black” can be “transracial.” As a commenter on the Spokesman Review asked, “What’s wrong with identifying as a different race? Obviously she’s probably felt for years that she was black on the inside and denied it all through her childhood. I mean look at her education and profession. She’s obviously ‘transitioned’ and able to share it with the world. I would think since she’s transitioned and identifies herself as black, than we should just let her be and live her life in peace.” Let me help out here. No.

So this isn’t about being an ally, or making the family of your choosing, or even how one feels on the inside. It’s about, apparently, flat out deception. It’s about how one person chose to obtain a college education and jobs and credibility in her community.
Well, at least she gets it. This case will only encourage people to lie on, say, THEIR COLLEGE APPLICATION ! ! ! ! Elt's see the reaction of the NAACP when "fake" trans-black students start taking all the slots from "real" black student

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