Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, June 13, 2015

NAACP President Rachel Dolezal Outed As White Woman

From Matt Forney at Return of Kings:
A year ago, I wrote a satirical article about “transracialism” with the intent of making fun of transsexuals, but even then, I had no idea that “transracialism” would actually become a thing. While there’s been a small movement of soi-disant “transniggers” on Tumblr, that well-known repository of mental illness and special snowflaking, Rachel Dolezal is the first example of this phenomenon in the real world.

How Transsexuality Paved The Way For Rachel Dolezal


The revelation of Dolezal’s true racial heritage has triggered a flurry of condemnations from left-wing thought organs such as Salon, the same ones that have normalized transsexuality and a host of other mental disorders. What they don’t realize is that by their own logic, the left has no right to criticize Dolezal for lying about being black.

For decades now, leftists have argued that race and gender are social constructs with no biological basis. This ludicrous line of reasoning allows the left to deny basic, observable physical differences between men and women (such as physical strength) as well as scientific data showing cognitive and behavioral differences between different ethnic groups. It has also been used to justify transsexuality: since there’s no biological basis for gender, a man who takes estrogen and gets his rocket flayed into a pocket is just as female as women who were born that way.

By this logic, on what basis can the left condemn Rachel Dolezal? If race is a social construct, then it doesn’t matter that Dolezal is a homely white girl from Montana; if she feels black on the inside, she is perfectly justified in changing her appearance and acting black. If we’re supposed to celebrate Bruce Jenner for embracing his “true” femininity through surgery and hormones, then we should also celebrate Dolezal for embracing her “true” race.
What Rachel Dolezal has done is prove the intellectual dishonesty liberals have been trying to force on the rest of society is basically a pile of horse excrement.

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