Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, June 14, 2015

3D Printed & Homemade Guns Roundup

From WeaponsMan Blog:

Contemplate This, Andrew Cuomo:

NY Legal 3DPrinted Alimanu-Phobos

Does it offend you? It’s a New York Assault-Weapon-Ban legal and even SAFE1 Act Legal AR-15 based on the Fosscad Alimanu-Phobos lower receiver.

alimanu-phobosThe Alimanu-Phobos, designed by ArmaDelite, is based on previous lowers by JT, WarFairy and Shadowfall. (The Phobos, VanguardJT, and Vanguard lowers respectively). AD incorporated an ambi selector cutout at the suggestion of Crysis.

The .stl files are available on GitHub, at least until the Department of State gets its way.

The receiver is 3D printed, the other parts are NY legal and of traditional manufacture.

Because it can be built in a NY-legal version, it could be built in a CA-legal version with the addition of a bullet button.

Rep Steve Israel (D-NY) has expressed interest in a Chinese UN proposal to require government licenses for 3D Printers, and for printing anything on them.
I love that free enterprise has figured out a way to give flip the bird at clowns like Andrew Cuomo and other asshats in Blue State Legislatures, sure as Kalifornia, Connecticut, etc.

WeaponsMan continues:

Cody Wilson on the Latest Attacks on Defense Distributed

There are a couple of aspects to the Administration’s latest attack on Defense Distributed and the Ghost Gunner project. Wilson begins with a view from inside the Operation Choke Point stranglehold:
A mere two days after our April shipping announcement, DD’s longtime payments processor PayPal abruptly began refusing to process our orders and froze up many hundreds of thousands of dollars in our account while they invented a “terms of use review” for our product.

Many Ghost Gunner customers were personally emailed in the week thereafter and actually asked by PayPal for what purpose they intended to use their machine. I found both of these actions outrageous and condemned PayPal with the strongest language when I spoke with their risk department at the end of April, ending our relationship.

Now, PayPal is known to not be friendly to gun-related companies, this is true. And like our payments processor before them they acted like their hands were tied, but rather than cancel our accounts, they froze DD’s funds and then demanded a ten million dollar reserve before they’d process any more payments. This happens to be the exact sum for which the company was recently fined for their deceptive trade practices. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide. For my part, I told them to go to hell and refunded many of your orders.

Our break with PayPal also limited the usefulness of our order lookup system.
There’s more than that, but that’s the gist. It is, however, not the only way in which the politicians and the Deep State are attacking:

ITAR and First/Second Amendments

The news you’ve recently heard about the Obama Administration regulating speech related to guns on the Internet is true and actually worse than the NRA-ILA message has indicated. The State Department is now formalizing the power to police all public exchange of data related to any category of munition online. I’m frustrated with the NRA’s rhetoric, which is that ITAR has not yet been used to block websites or harm public speech. This is a lie springing from the organization’s refusal to develop a position on homemade and 3D firearms.

The State Department has in fact harassed and censored this company for two years with the ITAR. Every compliance move we make in an attempt to publish CAD files or gun software is re-routed, stymied or ignored. This Federal power grab isn’t a hypothetical, future scenario. It is already US policy and is being used to target politically-motivated speech related to the Second Amendment.

State has even directly threatened this company over opening our Ghost Gunner forum. The forum is literally closed to registration as of today because the US government doesn’t want us to be able to support an open-source DIY product expanding your 2A franchise. We are unable to publicly develop our machine with you until this agency has been corrected.

Because of this malicious set of laws, Defense Distributed filed suit against the State Department in early May. We’ve brought a First Amendment lawsuit and we are joined by the Second Amendment foundation and other legal talents in Texas. I want to emphasize that none of the gun lobbies are funding this effort and neither are they willing. Defense Distributed alone has has funded this multi-year endeavor and only by the success of Ghost Gunner and your patience were we able to afford to reach this filing.
For those who are interested, below is the link to all the 3D printer files:


The Megapack is currently hosted on GitHub. To get all the files, the button you seek is “Download ZIP.” The files are licensed open source under the GNU GPL v3.

We don’t think the RollaTroll lower is in there. Patience. And confusion to our enemies, foreign and domestic.

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