Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 19, 2015

Internet Hosting Company Shuts Down Servers for Reddit Competitor over ‘Political Correctness’

From Breitbart's London:
Censorship on the internet is unpopular and difficult. Information banned on one hosting platform usually surfaces on another, often helped along by the ever reliable Streisand Effect. But that doesn’t mean that some people aren’t trying.

Reddit recently alienated a wide swathe of their users by going on a censorship wave, leading to almost a week of chaos on the site as users revolted against the decision. Now, German web server provider has joined her in the history books of internet villainy, pulling service from Reddit’s free-speech friendly competitor,

Their reason? Political incorrectness.

The news was announced by Atko, the owner of Voat, earlier today:
Our hosting provider, has terminated all our contracts and shut down all our servers without issuing a warning or trying to talk to us. This includes my private server which was only used to host my girlfriends blog. She is a scientist. She published her research papers on that blog (pre-formatted papers to which she owns the copyright). That server contained no other data whatsoever.

The reason they gave us when they notified us that they have cancelled our contract is “…we have received significant information that the content on your server includes political incorrect parts that are unacceptable for us.” and “Due to the fact that we cannot keep bond of trust to you as our customer…”.

Luckily, we have managed to move our databases to a cloud platform mere hours before they shut down our servers. Ladies and gentlemen, my eyes have been opened by this. I don’t know about you, but we are living in a weird world.

….I have been a customer for well over 5 years, always paying my bills and never hosting any illegal content.
Atko also issued a new call for paypal and bitcoin donations, highlighting that it was only through the generosity of users that Voat, previously just a personal hobby, was able to stay afloat.
This is what happens when liberals are in charge f your rights. They are only "Rights: when they shae similar valsues to yours, not the other way around.

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