Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 19, 2015

Chinese Hackers Lurked Undetected In Database For Full Year

From The Daily Caller:
American officials say Chinese hackers had access to sensitive security data for up to a year before a breach at the Office of Personnel Management was finally detected.

The cyberattack — the second one targeting the federal government’s human resources agency this year — was detected earlier this month, but officials believe it may have begun as early as June 2014, The Washington Post reports.
TheChi-Coms had unfettered accept to the Office of Personal Management to the Feds for over a year. So every employee of the Federal Government, had their personal information, like home address and social security number,exposed to the Chinese Government. This information is what Identity Thieves need to impersonate you.

Heads need to roll, but the Regime will not fire a single person. I'm willing to bet.

However, since it looks like members of Congress's information was compromised, they may be able to force the Regime to do something about it. The hack created a bipartisan group of victims.

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