Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Democrats Propose Getting Rid of Republican Hero Hamilton, But Keeping Pro-Slavery, Indian-Massacring Founder of the Democrat Party Andrew Jackson on Nation's Currency

From the Ace of Spades HQ:
Obama, a born grifter and deeply cynical man, employs a stratagem his minions call the "stray voltage" theory of communications -- the idea that there is always excess energy buzzing around the body politic, and it is best to direct that energy towards purposes that you have chosen for own interests, rather than seeing where it might naturally flow to.

In fact, the Obama Administration sometimes brazenly lies simply to get the "stray voltage" flowing about something predictable and manageable (to wit, his lies), rather than something more dangerous.

It is the midst of the Administration's catastrophic failure to protect this nation's armed forces' personnel records safe from hostile foreign regimes that the Obama Administration permits it to be leaked that they're going to take Alexander Hamilton off the $10 bill and replace him with, as the Administration says, some woman to be determined later.

Which woman? Who knows, doesn't matter. They're all alike, aren't they? Some woman.

Now, this is a double directed grounding of stray voltage. First, he releases an Upworthy Buzzworthy Easy-to-have-an-opinion about non-story in order to push a great big dangerous story out of the news.

But he doesn't stop there. Because Obama, the bitter racialist divider and national arsonist, had hoped for a big uproar about putting Some Woman on the currency, especially a black woman like Harriet Tubman.

Except they were disappointed a few weeks back when these rumors made the rounds. At that time, the story was that Andrew Jackson -- Old Hickory, Indian-fighter, slavery-defender, Proud Founder of the Democrat Fighter -- would be replaced with Harriet Tubman.
So, the latest rumor.
So, rewrite: Now it's one of the founding fathers of our Republic, Alexander Hamilton who'll be getting replaced, while the founder of the Democrat Party is, for some reason, spared.

I got to think that this nasty, venal Administration was upset to see there wasn't enough divisiveness over their Public Relations Gambit, so they took it back into the shop and retooled it to serve its purpose as a Stray Voltage grounding wire.
The Regime's media strategy, always win the daily news cycle, even at the expense of tomorrows news cycle. "We can always spin a new lie tomorrow."

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