Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hate Network - CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield Finally Forced to Apologize

From Breitbart's Big Journalism:
Two full days after calling attempted mass-cop killer “courageous and brave,” CNN weekend anchor Fredricka Whitfield finally came out and apologized Monday afternoon.
I misused those words terribly. And I sincerely apologize for making this statement, and I understand now how offensive it was, and I want to reiterate that in no way do I believe the gunman was courageous or brave. I sincerely apologize.
On Saturday, while the stand-off between Boulware and the police was ongoing, Whitfield described the would-be mass murderer as “courageous and brave.” Sunday, Whifield popped up on the air only to say she “misspoke.” There was no apology, and organizations like the Dallas Police Association took notice. In a statement released Monday, the DPA wrote in part that Whitfield’s “flippant, non-apology served as further insult.”

Whitfield’s claim that a man armed to the teeth, and burning with the intent to murder as many law enforcement officers as possible, is “courageous and brave” is, unfortunately, completely in keeping with CNN’s relentless hate campaigns against America’s law enforcement community.
Well, CNN should fire her. The stuff she is spouting about sounds as if it's coming from PMS-NBC.

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