Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Newest campus microaggression - “I believe the most qualified person should get the job”

From Hot Air:
That’s according to the University of California, an arm of state government, as Ace reminds us. I don’t get it. Since when does government dislike meritocracy?

More microaggressions per U of C: “America is a melting pot” and “America is the land of opportunity.” We’re very close to the end now, my friends.

Here’s a bit from the UCLA diversity handout. On the left is what “microaggressors” say, on the right is what they supposedly mean:


My favorite is “gender plays no part in who we hire,” a policy feminists have spent decades demanding from American businesses only to dismiss it now as aggressively sexist, a self-delusion promoted by the corporate world to disguise their bias against women. Gender inescapably plays a part in who they hire; the only way to cure the bias is with quotas. That explains why “I believe the most qualified person should get the job,” an anti-quota philosophy, is microaggressive. But … if you hired a women and emphasized that you don’t necessarily think the most qualified person should get the job, wouldn’t that be microaggressive? Show of hands, ladies: Who wouldn’t be insulted at being told by your new boss that you were brought on in the name of “social justice,” not because you were the best candidate who applied?
So meritocracy is bad, except in sports? Well, that's gonna have to change soon. The SJW will be demanding that soon, I predict!

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