Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 19, 2015

Federal Judge Reopens Suit to Obtain Huma Abedin’s Clinton E-Mails

From National Review:
A federal judge has reopened a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that aims to obtain e-mails between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her longtime aide, Huma Abedin, saying that the discovery of Clinton’s private server warranted the revival of the case.

Judicial Watch, a nonprofit watchdog group, asked the judge to find that Clinton had committed fraud, but he demurred, choosing instead to rely on a rule that allowed for the case to be reopened due to a change in circumstances. The State Department agreed that this rule applied. “The Court will rely upon that provision, rather than spilling ink to resolve their dispute as to whether Judicial Watch has submitted clear and convincing evidence of fraud by the State Department,” Judge Emmet Sullivan wrote in his order today.

Huma Abedin has been Hillary Clinton's Chief of Staff and right hand for several years. She knows where the bodies are buried. The only question, will she fall on her sword to protect Hillary, like Webster Hubble, Susan McDougal, et. al.?

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