Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Florida Judge Dismisses Zimmerman Lawsuit Against NBC

From John Nolte of Breitbart's Big Journalism:
NBC News enjoyed a big win Monday after a Florida judge dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by George Zimmerman after the news outlet maliciously edited a call Zimmerman made to 911 in order to make it look as though the Hispanic Zimmerman had racially profiled Trayvon Martin, who was black.

Breitbart News was the first media outlet to discover the fraudulent editing. The end result was three unnamed NBC News producers being fired.

Circuit Court Judge Debra S. Nelson ruled that Zimmerman was “unable to demonstrate that the editing choices at issue resulted in a materially false change in the meaning of what he actually said.”

The judge also said that Zimmerman isn't protected like any other private citizen from libel because he deliberately and publicly added to “the public controversy surrounding race relations and public safety in Sanford,” and that Zimmerman “pursued a course of conduct that ultimately led to the death of Martin and the specific controversy surrounding it.”

The standard of libel and defamation with a public figure is higher than that of a private citizen. Zimmerman would have to prove NBC used "actual malice" against him. The judge did not believe the news outlet had.
This just seems wrong, Zimmerman was NOT a public person until the Drive-By-Media made him into a public person.

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