Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 3, 2014

How Obama Lost the Middle East

From Victor Davis Hansen of National Review:

The president put politics and ideology ahead of preserving hard-won gains in the region.

In his first term, Barack Obama all but declared victory in America’s Middle East struggles.

As he precipitously pulled out all U.S. peacekeepers from Iraq, the president had his own “Mission Accomplished” moment when declaring the country “stable,” “self-reliant,” and an “extraordinary achievement.”

Those claims echoed Vice President Joe Biden’s earlier boast that Iraq somehow would prove Obama’s “greatest achievement.”

After the death of Osama bin Laden, and during Obama’s reelection campaign, the president also proclaimed that al-Qaeda was a spent force and “on the run.”

So what happened?

In short, the Obama administration put politics and ideology ahead of a disinterested and nonpartisan examination of the actual status of the 2009 Middle East.
The Dear Leader looks at everything through a political lens, damn any other consequences than the next news cycle.

He is the very definition of a short term thinker.

He wants a legacy, but doesn't want to do the hard work to achieve it.

Obamacare is a prime example. He had nothing to do with the writing of the bill, it was essentially the Bill that Henry Waxman and TEd Kennedy have been wanted to get made into law for years. All he did was try to sell it. He let the leadership in Congress do all the leg work and then walked in when t passed both houses and claimed victory. Just like the Middle East. All the hard work was accomplished by the previous Administration. As soon as things looked stable, he took claimed victory and walked away. All the violence going on now, not his responsibility, since it was stable, WHEN HE LEFT.

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