Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 23, 2014

Walmart Fisks the New York Times

From Ace of Spades HQ:
Walmart Fisks the New York Times

And points out every omission and inaccuracy of Timothy Egan's emoting of an op-ed. It's like he just copied every talking point from an anti-Walmart activist group handout without doing even 15 seconds of googling to look into their claims. (thanks to RD Brewer)

And Nate Hale at In From the Cold points out that Walmart could have twisted the knife even further by comparing the economic trajectory of the vaunted NYT to that of Walmart.
One final thought: had we been in Mr. Tovar's position, there would be a little addendum to our critique, something along the lines of "Hey Tim: at least we have a business model that works."  At last report, Wal-Mart was both the largest employer and tax payer in America, and its economic muscle to force lower prices amounts to a 6.5% boost in household income for the nation's poorest families.   And by the way, that statistic comes from the liberal economist Jason Furman, appointed last year as Chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers.  Hardly a member of the Vast Right Wing conspiracy.

As for The New York Times Company, not long ago it was begging Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim for a loan.  While digital circulations are on the upswing, the company has been bleeding red ink for years, thanks to such savvy moves as buying the Boston Globe for a cool $1 billion in the early 90s, then unloading it last year, at a fire-sale price of only $70 million.
Wasn't Hillary a board member of Walmart when Slick Willie was Governor of Arkansas?

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