Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 23, 2014

Media Aids And Abets Left-Wing Smear Of Governor Scott Walker

From William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection writing in The Daily Caller:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has had a massive left-wing target on his back ever since he ran for Governor in 2010, but particularly after 2011 when Walker signed into law a bill scaling back some public sector union collective bargaining rights.

There are few, if any, Republican politicians as hated on the left as Walker.

Walker’s not the most ideological Republican, but he is singled out because he so soundly and repeatedly defeated national efforts to stop collective bargaining reform.

The demonization of Walker is pervasive, and so-called “John Doe” investigations always have been an integral part of that effort. The mere pendency of such investigations is a critical part of anti-Walker messaging.

“John Doe” investigations in Wisconsin have been around for over a century, but only recently have they been used as political tools. Everything surrounding these types of investigations is secretive. They are commenced with a secret request to a judge, and a judge has to approve subpoenas.

Neither the persons who are the focus of the investigation nor persons subpoenaed are permitted to disclose to others any information about the existence or conduct of the investigation.

Yet last week, pursuant to an appeals court order, some records were unsealed, in which the discredited allegation of a “criminal scheme” was released to the public.

In federal court on Thursday, June 19, 2014, in refusing to release more records the judge summed up what is happening: Prosecutors were seeking “refuge in the Court of Public Opinion, having lost in this Court of law.”

The John Doe proceedings always have been politically motivated, and used in the war against Scott Walker.
You want to know who the Dims fear, look at who they and their buddies in the Drive-By-Media are smearing at the time.

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