Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dear Chelsea Clinton -- Stop It, Just Stop

From Ace of Spades HQ:
I want to be charitable, I do. I remember the “Hands off Chelsea” buttons people wore when the Clintons first got to Washington, and I endorsed the idea — and still do — that the children of politicians, particularly when they really are children, and not nearly middle-aged adults, are not to be treated roughly because a parent chose to enter politics. But Chelsea Clinton is 34 years-old, now and her famously tough parents have hopefully taught her how to roll with a little push-back because, yeah, she’s earned it.
Dear Chelsea;

Stop. Just…stop it.

Do not follow in your parent’s footsteps and try to convince the world that money means nothing to you. Money never means “nothing” to the people who cannot stop talking about it, and between your poor “not truly well off” mother, and your dad who is forever telling us that he’s happy to be a rich guy paying rich guy taxes, and now this…just stop it.

You tried really hard to care about money? And naturally you couldn’t because no good or noble person actually does that? Naturally, only greedy, vulgar people would care about money. I wonder who they might be? And do they know how offensive they are?

Come to think of it, I might know some of them, and I can hear them grumbling a bit at the moment, can you? Listen…cock your ear over here, away from Nobu, and listen to that single mom:

“She’d bloody well care about money if every time the gas and food prices go up it’s another supper of macaroni and cheese for us!”

Maybe, from your $10 million dollar pad in Gramercy Park you can hear the young couple weighed down with college debt: “She’d freaking care about money if she was living in her mom’s basement while trying to find a real job and carrying $45,000 in college loans.”

Perhaps on your way to the Hamptons this summer you can lean out — but not if you’re taking a chopper, of course — and hear the family that will be stay-cationing it for the fourth year in a row, because the “recovery summer” hasn’t reached them yet. You should be able to hear them, because the grumbling is getting pretty loud in those neighborhoods.
There is only one gifted politician in the family, the male, Slick Willie. Neither of the women have his gift or his ability.

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