Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Trey Gowdy Shreds Partisan IRS Hack Koskinen

From Jammie Wearing Fools via Ace of Spades HQ:
Yet as always whenever he appears on a panel, South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy stole the show with his interrogation of the pathetic Koskinen. This is just masterful:

By the way, if you have any inkling that Koskinen is anything other than a Democrat hack,  this demolishes that notion.
I'm shocked that the Dear Leader placed a partisan hack as the new head of the IRS. Shocked!

More from Byron York at the Washington Examiner:
The IRS commissioner is pretty sure no laws have been broken despite not being familiar with relevant statutes

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., a former federal prosecutor, interrogated the IRS commissioner with questions about whether the agency engaged in possible criminal misconduct.

Koskinen maintains that no wrongdoing has taken place at the IRS, but Gowdy wanted to see just how much the IRS commissioner has actually looked into the situation.

“You can shake your head all you want to, Commissioner. You have said today that there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing, and I’m asking you what criminal statutes you have reviewed to reach that conclusion,” Gowdy said, adding that Koskinen has “no idea” if the IRS has committed any crimes.

Gowdy was also quick to dismiss Koskinen's suggestion that Republicans are trying to tie the White House to the targeting scandal.
“It was Jay Carney that perpetuated the myth that it was two rogue agents in Ohio, it wasn’t any of us. Was that accurate?” Gowdy asked.
“Not that I know of,” Koskinen said.

“So that was inaccurate and that came from the White House. Who said there’s not a smidgen of corruption?”
“My understanding is that was the president,” the commissioner said.
“So that’s Jay Carney and the president both inserting themselves into the IRS scandal,” Gowdy said. “And you want to blame us for bringing the White House into it?”

Koskinen sheepishly denied suggesting that Republicans are trying to make the scandal about the White House.

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