Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, August 29, 2016

Maura Healey shoots Dems in foot with gun grab

From The Boston Herald via H/T at Instapundit:
BLUE STATE UPDATE: Massachusetts AG Maura Healey shoots Dems 
in foot with gun grab.
In July, Healey announced a ban on so-called “copycat” assault weapon models. The so-called “Massachusetts legal” guns were modified to comply with the state assault weapons ban — with no collapsible stocks, high-capacity magazines or other banned features — but they still look like the AR-15 and AK-47, and Healey said that is impermissible. Other semi-automatic rifles that perform the same, but don’t have a military appearance, are still legally sold in Massachusetts gun shops.

Legislators on both sides of the aisle blasted Healey’s move as a confusing overreach meant to pump up Healey’s political profile.
Related: Rolling rally protests AG Maura Healey’s ‘abuse of authority’ on 2nd Amendment. Punch back twice as hard, as a famous man says.
It's all about disarmament.

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