Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, August 1, 2016

Clinton busted for lying about lying

From Breitbart Video:
During a report on Monday’s broadcast of “The Lead,” CNN Senior Washington Correspondent Jeff Zeleny stated that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claim that the FBI backed up her answers about her emails wasn’t true, and that the agency’s Director James Comey testified “that many claims Clinton had made to the public were false.”

After playing a clip of Clinton maintaining during her “Fox News Sunday” interview that Comey said her answers about her email were “truthful.” Zeleny said, “That’s not exactly true. FBI Director James Comey has said there’s no evidence Clinton lied to the FBI, but he didn’t say she’d been truthful to the American people. He called her handling of classified information ‘extremely careless.’ The Washington Post fact checker gave her answer a failing grade of four Pinocchios. And during congressional hearings, Republican Chairman [Representative] Trey Gowdy (R-SC) got Comey to testify that many claims Clinton had made to the public were false.” Zeleny then played a clip of Comey testifying that Clinton’s claim that she turned over all her work-related emails to the State Department was not true, and “thousands” were not returned.
Qait, someone at CNN is admitting Hillary is a liar, who lied about lying.

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