Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Democrats With Bylines

From The American Spectator via H/T at Instapundit:
The liberal media’s determination to elect Hillary Clinton to the White House has become blatantly transparent in their coverage of the Republican National Convention here. Anyone who ever doubted that major network news operations are staffed with partisan Democrats needed only have observed the way allegedly “objective” reporters inflated Melania Trump’s opening-night speech into a phony scandal that absorbed hour after hour of coverage. The immediate reaction to Mrs. Trump’s speech was positive, but then someone pointed out uncanny similarities between three sentences in her speech and Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention. The media went into hysterics: “Plagiarism! Scandal!

This rather minor incident was treated as The Biggest Story in American Political History. The morning shows on the networks — CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, CBS, NBC and ABC — devoted a combined total of 130 minutes to covering “MelaniaGate,” according to an analysis by Mike Ciandella and Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center. CNN alone spent nearly 45 minutes talking about Mrs. Trump’s alleged plagiarism Tuesday morning, as if this was a matter of major national importance.

Why? The most obvious explanation is that the TV networks are run by Democrats who consider it their professional duty to provide negative coverage of Republicans.

The liberals who run TV news decided before this convention began what the narrative of the story would be, and therefore they are willing to ignore that actual events, to distort the proceedings to fit their preconceptions of who Trump is, and what his campaign stands for. Gay Republicans concerned about radical Islam? No, you’re not going to see that on CNN, because it doesn’t conform to their liberal worldview, any more than do the black Republicans or Hispanic Republicans or any other supporters of Donald Trump whose identity doesn’t match the media’s biased stereotype of what the GOP is about.
It's easiest to remember that the Drive-By Media are just simply Democrat Operatives with Bylines.

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