Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, July 22, 2016

Attacker in Nice plotted for months with ‘accomplices,’ prosecutor says.

From CNN via H/T at Instapundit:
Lone Wolf:
[Paris prosecutor Francois] Molins said authorities are investigating five suspects who are in custody on terror charges related to the attack that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel carried out on Bastille Day, France’s main national holiday.

One suspect allegedly sent Bouhlel a Facebook message saying, “Load the truck with tons of iron and cut the brakes. I’ll look brother.”

Bouhlel, 31, drove a 20-ton truck through hundreds who had gathered to watch the Bastille Day fireworks on the Mediterranean city’s waterfront.

An analysis of cell phone and computer content — including a photo of last year’s Bastille Day fireworks event focused on the crowd — showed Bouhlel had been planning the assault since at least 2015, Moins said.
We may never know what really motivated them.
Progressives can't let the facts get in the way of the narrative.

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