Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Three for the Money -- Carly, Walker, and Cruz

From Clarice Feldman of The American Thinker Blog:
Carly Fiorina, however, with her penchant for the main shot, did not ignore the issue. In interviews with CNN’s Jake Tapper and Fox and Friends, she refused to bite the usual media bait and instead turned tables on the interviewers, reminding viewers that it is the leading Democrat’s positions which are extreme and out of the mainstream.
“Let’s also talk about Hillary Clinton’s position,” Fiorina said. “Let’s talk about what ‘extreme’ is. It’s not a life until it leaves the hospital? That’s Hillary Clinton’s position. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that a 13-year-old girl needs her mother’s permission to go to a tanning salon or get a tattoo, but not to get an abortion. It’s Hillary Clinton’s position that women should not be permitted to look at an ultrasound before an abortion, and yet people who are trying to harvest its body parts can use an ultrasound to make sure that those body parts are preserved, so they can be sold. That, Jake, is extreme.”
Kudos for Carli.

Scott Walker also carried on the fight against the left’s gotcha tricks and stupid ideas. While perhaps not as articulate on his feet as Carly, Scott Walker, too, held his ground and adroitly managed a setup by pro-illegal immigration backers who’d transported an illegal alien and his family to one of his appearances and had the kid beg that the family not be separated:
Flores asked the Wisconsin governor why he opposed President Obama’s immigration executive actions that would keep his family intact.

“We are a nation of laws,” Walker told him several times, emphasizing that the president had ample opportunity to pass immigration legislation during his first two years in office when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress -- yet he didn’t.

He also pointed out that the president’s executive actions on immigration -- which Obama himself claimed he didn’t have the authority to do -- have been halted in the federal court system.

“My point is that you have to follow the law, follow the process,” he told Flores. “No man or woman is above the law in this country -- that’s the beauty of America.”
Walker is showing himself as well disciplined and constantly on message.

Cruz is also a great debater and this week in a move that took a lot of people’s breath away, he challenged Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whom most conservatives consider a  failure, a tool of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, too willing to cozy up to Democrats for the benefit of big business, and too willing to ignore the election promises made to Republican voters.(The procedural Dance of the Seven Veils by McConnell is described by Ace of Spades)  Cruz’ speech lasts 20 minutes, though regretfully I have not been able to find a transcript of it.
Cruz direct attack on McConnell forced the Majority Leader to fast track a Planned Parenthood defunding bill.

Yeah, result.

McConnell seems to forget his party has the majority on the Senate. It's about time to make the Dear Leader pay, politically and popularity wise for his willingness to negotiate with Iran, but not the Republican Leadership.

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