Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Background Check System Failed In Lafayette Murders

John Hinderaker at Powerline Blog has some additional comments about Gun Control in regards to the shooting in Louisiana.
1) Liberals are constantly proposing legislation to extend NICS to firearms transactions that don’t involve licensed dealers. As I have written repeatedly, the major problem with NICS is not that it doesn’t cover transactions between relatives, etc., but rather that the database is deficient. All mass shooters (I am not including terrorists here) are more or less crazy, but the vast majority are not in the database. So the exercise becomes futile, as it was here.

2) Whenever something bad happens, liberals demand new laws. A common response, especially in the gun control context, is: How about if we enforce the laws we already have? That makes sense to most people, but somehow liberals are more interested in enacting new laws than in enforcing existing ones. Here, the right law was on the books, but, as so often happens, government failed to execute. But liberals rarely seem to care about improving government’s actual performance. They just want the satisfaction of moral preening.
Progressives/Liberals must always appear to be "doing something" about an issue. It doesn't matter is the proposed solution is effective, practical, useful, only that it shows that something is being done.

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