Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Mainstream Media Failed In Its Primary Responsibility and Dylann Roof Got a Gun

From Breitbart's Big Government:
A racist terrorist named Dylann Roof bought a firearm, and the American mainstream media helped him get it.

America’s utterly useless and hopelessly corrupt mainstream media has once again failed in its primary responsibility, which is to watch-dog the government — most especially the large and powerful, and increasingly unwieldy and corrupt, federal government. ......................

The Feds screwed up, plain and simple, and did so at the most important job they have: keeping us safe by keeping firearms out of the hands of Dylann Roofs.

Without question, a devastating national tragedy that might have been avoided falls on the F.B.I. Sure, Roof might have been able to get an illegal gun elsewhere. What we do know is how he did get the gun that allowed him to commit this unspeakable crime.

So where the hell was our media?

Instead of rising up to their primary responsibility of watch-dogging the government… Instead of investigating and regularly testing the federal laws and systems already in place to keep guns out of the hands of Dylann Roofs… Instead of keeping the federal government on its toes by letting them know that they are always watching, testing, prodding… The utterly useless pail of rancid garbage we call the American mainstream media is instead. ......... Hot taking and here’s why-ing and pundit-ing and creating snappy videos and schmoozing and tweeting and talking head-ing and viralizing and scheming today’s Narrative to attack the Right and forever scheming ways to give the central federal government even more power and relentlessly scheming to emotionally blackmail law-abiding citizens to give up their guns.

But no one had the time to watch-dog the…




The Clinton Foundation

The State Department

And no one in the media had the time or desire to test, prod, provoke, challenge, or investigate the very mechanism that is responsible for doing what the media claims is oh-so very important to them: KEEP GUNS OUT OF THE WRONG HANDS.
Face it, the Drive-By Media are simply democratic operatives with bylones.

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