Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Obama's Killing the Left: Let's Help Him

From the American Thinker Blog:
Diversity Over Competence
From the outset of this administration it has been clear that “diversity” (which to Obama means advancing the careers of every one of his cronies at the expense of non-Hispanic whites and males) over competence has been a major goal.

The War On (Heterosexual) Sex
The bizarre inconsistencies involving sexual education and conduct must be creating a generation of celibate nutters.

At the same time that children are being exposed in the classrooms to the sort of sex education only sailors on leave in major ports once had, we are making heterosexual conduct by young people fraught with criminal consequences.

Illegal Immigrants
On the other hand, as we criminalize normal adolescent behavior which in fact we encourage in elementary-school classrooms, if you live in one of the left-wing enclaves which claim the high moral mantle of “sanctuary cities” and commit a crime you will not be held accountable and deported. And if you do this in the super left-wing city of San Francisco, the sheriff will even connive to spring you so you can take a privately-owned gun stolen from a Federal Bureau of Land Management agent who carelessly left it in his car and use it to shoot dead a beautiful young woman walking with her father.

Urban Planners and the War on Suburbia
Americans like living in suburbs but the left is engaged in a war on the suburbs,one which is growing.

The Assault on our Constitutional Rights
My friend Alex Bensky, the sage of Detroit, notes: “Let's see -- a leader who embodies the people, calls for national unity on his terms, and criticism of whom is ipso facto illegitimate and can only be motivated by illegitimate motives... the instruments of government suborned to promote the interests of the party and used to quash opposition and suppress dissent... a reorganization of the economy so it remains in private hands but not only is controlled by the government, but companies see the source of markets and profits to be the government, not customers... To quote Rocket J. Squirrel: "That voice... where have I heard that voice?"”


 You can get sharpened pikes and pitchforks from my conveniently located shop on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. Better yet, work hard to oust these leftist elites; ridicule and resist them at every opportunity; and join together state by state to refuse to follow their ill-conceived dictates. Your choice, but do something, don’t just stand there.
The greatest irony of the Dear Leaders decisions is that the losses of democrats the last few elections cycles has wiped out the many up and coming young democrats, to fill the vacancy that will be created, when the current and very old generation of democrat politicians call it quits, retire, and or drop dead. Many have already started retiring because they don't see much chance of being in the majority any time soon.

And that's a good thing!

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