Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Planned Parenthood Has Handed GOP Candidates a Gift — They’re Running with It

From National Review:
The era of Todd Akin-ism may be over.

Abortion is back in the news in a big way, thanks to two harrowing videos from the Center for Medical Progress. It turns out there is such a thing as bad publicity — for example, the revelation that your taxpayer-subsidized “women’s health” operation has been trafficking in the remains of aborted babies, and that you “huddle” in the morning to figure out how many babies you need to “crush” and “crunch” to fill orders.

This is, then, prime time for left-wing media types to remind voters that, don’t you know?!, when it comes to abortions these Republicans are crazy! So it comes as a delight to see that Republican presidential candidates are not having it.

The strategy is simple: No Republican politician should answer a question about abortion without first demanding that Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton answer for their positions. And putting Democrats on the defensive is not just good politics; it makes it that much more likely that the abortion industry can, finally, be crushed.
Make the liberals defend their positions and let the cards fall where they may.

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