Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 23, 2015

19 Facts On IRS Targeting President Obama Can't Blame On Republicans

From Forbes Magazine:
On The Daily Show, President Obama blamed Republicans for the IRS scandal:
“You’ve got this back office, and they’re going after the Tea Party. Well, it turned out, no, Congress had passed a crummy law that didn’t give people guidance in terms of what it was they were trying to do. They did it poorly and stupidly. The truth of the matter is that there was not some big conspiracy there. They were trying to sort out these conflicting demands. You don’t want all this money pouring through non-for- profits, but you also want to make sure everybody is being treated fairly.”
Really, Mr. President? For effect, perhaps he should reprise his testy “not even a smidgen of corruption” remark to Fox News. The President keeps claiming there is no evidence the IRS was used for political targeting.

  1. In January 2010, the Supreme Court in Citizens United held it unconstitutional to ban free speech by corporations, unions and other organizations.
  2. In August 2010, the IRS distributed a BOLO (Be on the Lookout) list for Tea Party organizations applying for tax exempt status.
  3. In October 2010, IRS Exempt Organization chief Lois Lerner met with the DOJ about prosecuting conservative groups.
  4. By March 2012, amid reports of targeting, former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman testifies there is “absolutely no targeting” by the IRS of conservative and/or Tea Party organizations. On November 9, 2012, Mr. Shulman stepped down, replaced by Steven Miller.
  5. On May 10, 2013, during a bar meeting, Ms. Lerner admits targeting, calling it “absolutely incorrect, insensitive, and inappropriate.” Four days later, on May 14, 2013, the Inspector General issued a report confirming targeting.
He's not a liar, or just delusional. It's pathological. So what if he broke the law, it's about achiving a goal, the ends justify the means. Calssic Alinsky.

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