Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fundamental Concepts - The Tao of Poo [Weirddave]

From Ace of Spades HQ:
I'm a big believer in Occam's razor, and if you put two simple pieces of information together you get a very simple explanation for 7 years of insanity.

First of all, let's take Obama. What is he? By temperament and training, he is a community organizer. The thing is, that's one of those terms that sounds self explanatory but really it's not, in fact it means the opposite of what it seems to mean. The term "community organizer" was coined by Saul Alinsky to describe the people who he envisioned would destabilize society. The last thing an Alinskyite wants is for a community to be organized. An organized community is functioning smoothly, all of its parts meshing seamlessly. An organized community has no need for, nor desire for, an Alinskyite. No, the job of one of Alinsky's community organizers is to destabilize a community, to disorganize it. It is only when a community becomes disorganized that the politics of division can thrive and it is divided communities that are the end goal of Alinsky's disciples. Only when a community has been fatally divided against itself is it ripe for tearing down, to be replaced by a communal Utopia. Sowing this division is all Obama has done all his entire adult life. It is quite literally all he knows.

That's bad enough, but completing the toxic brew that we've been forced to quaff these past seven years is the fact that Obama as President is the de-facto head of the Democrat Party, and the Democrat party is absolutely dependent on the factionalization of society for its success. The Democrat Party is the party of identity politics, the party of conflict, the party of "us" against "them", and they survive by making people believe that they are the only chance "us" has to keep from being overwhelmed by whatever "them" is the boogyman of the week. The Democrat Party is the living embodiment of the most perfect quote regarding politics that I've ever heard. H.L. Mencken, the illustrious "Sage of Baltimore", once observed "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary". Now, that's not to say that the Republicans don't do the same thing, they do, but theoretically at least the Republican Party has some principles behind it. Yes, you can stop laughing now, I said theoretically. The Democrat Party, however, has no principles beyond an unbridled lust for power, and the way they achieve that power is by pitting groups against each other.

So now let's put those two together, shall we? Obama's training and temperament lead him to play factions off against each other. His party is absolutely dependent on that happening.

As to the title of this piece, well, anyone who would deliberately set out to destroy cohesiveness and sow division would pretty much be a real shit, wouldn't he? ;)
Well, this makes a lot of sense.

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