Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, June 5, 2015

Deadly Consequences of Draconian Gun Regulations

From Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review:
Carol Bowne is dead — murdered in cold blood on her own property by a violent criminal who would not be restrained by good intentions. But there is no smoking gun, because she lived and died in New Jersey.

Bowne was a 39-year-old hairdresser from Berlin Township who had become increasingly nervous about her ex-boyfriend. Convinced that he intended to do her physical harm, she took out a restraining order, had security cameras installed at her home, and purchased an alarm system. She also hoped to buy a firearm for her defense. On April 21 of this year, she began the glacial process of obtaining a New Jersey permit to purchase a gun.

Defending his tardiness, the local police chief explained that the application process usually takes more than two months, and that when Bowne died, his team was still waiting for her fingerprints to be processed. Perhaps so. But this should serve as no acceptable excuse. By state law, New Jersey is required to get back to permit petitioners within 30 days. It didn’t.

It almost never does. Instead, would-be gun owners report waiting for three, four, six, and even nine months for permission to exercise what the Second Amendment makes clear is an unalienable individual right. The rules do not apply to the government.

For the citizenry, by contrast, minor infractions are routinely transmuted into life-destroying sentences. Had there been no public outcries, New Jersey would at present be hosting in its prisons a black single mother of two who misunderstood the concealed-carry rules in Atlantic County; a septuagenarian retiree who bought a non-functional, 260-year-old pistol from an antiques dealer and was arrested for carrying without a license; and a security guard and aspiring police officer who inadvertently left his firearm in his glove box while driving with his girlfriend. For those who wish to enjoy their right to keep and bear arms, the Garden State represents a significant blot on the American escutcheon.
When Gov. Christie stars running for President, he needs to asked about these cases and why he has DONE NOTHING, as Governor to fix these problems of the State VIOLATING the peoples 2nd Amendment Rights.

UPDATE: Look like Christie has pardoned the aspiring police officer. Blind squirrel.

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