Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Rachel Maddow - Oregonians Should Have to Pass Background Check Aurora Theater Gunman Passed

From AWR Hawkins at Breitbart's Big Journalism:
On May 4, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow made clear how hopeful she is that Oregon Governor Kate Brown (D) will sign Senate Bill 941 into law. SB 941 will make “almost all” Oregonians pass the same background check the Aurora Theater gunman passed to get his weapon.

Maddow said, “Brown has … [a] chance to sign major legislature into law that would make background checks mandatory for almost all private transfers of guns between unrelated owners.” A first violation of the background law would be a misdemeanor, but “a second violation would be a felony with a maximum penalty of a quarter million dollars and ten years in prison.”

Maddow did not mention James Holmes, nor did she mention Jared Loughner–the man who attacked Gabby Giffords with a gun he got via a background check.

She also failed to mention that Jared and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Aaron Ybarra (Seattle Pacific University), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barabara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Arapahoe High School), Paul Ciancia (LAX), Aaron Alexis (DC Navy Yard), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), Jiverly Wong (Binghamton), Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), and Naveed Haq (Seattle) all passed background checks for their guns as well.
Why doesn't Mad-Cow (and all those other gun control proponents) even mention all of the mad shooters who DID past the background check?

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