Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 in review -- The men strike back

From the "Community of the Wrongly Accused",
2014 was a watershed year -- it was the year it became apparent to a lot of folks with no personal stake in the issue that gender extremists have gone too far pushing their agendas on sexual assault. There is finally a mainstream backlash against rape culture hysteria. The rape culturalists are still winning, but for the first time, they have prominent opposition. ..............

The Backlash

The Rolling Stone debacle might have been a tipping point, because suddenly, the mainstream media discovered that an important college "rape" story was filled with holes -- this, combined with other blows to the rape culture meme, led more and more people to realize that the Rolling Stone debacle is symptomatic of a culture that has allowed gender extremists to dominate the public discourse on sexual assault.
Time to shame the Radical Feminists out of the mainstream.

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