Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Unbearable Lightness of Feminism

Modern Feminism has evolved to the point that it has become a caricature of itself.

Read "The Unbearable Lightness of Feminism" By Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog
A feminist looks like a professional activist wearing a $75 t-shirt made by slave labor while proclaiming that she is a feminist. It isn’t fighting for the rights of women that makes her a feminist. It’s the pricey fashion statement of someone who toots their own horn while exploiting less fortunate women.

The professional feminist is not there to help women, but to promote the agenda of the institutional left. She will turn campus rape into a political cause while criticizing every rape prevention measure, from a rape drug detecting nail polish to self-defense for women, for not dealing with rape culture. Stopping rape doesn’t interest her. Exploiting the abuse of women to fight a culture war does.

Her concerns are limited to causes affecting upper class young women and the overall political organizational needs of the left. That’s why she will veer erratically from inflating college rape statistics to arguing for illegal alien amnesty despite the high number of rapes committed by migrants.

But the women being raped generally won’t be found on an Ivy League campus.
It is no longer about equal pay for equal work. It's about advancing progressive ideas at the expense of men, mostly issues related to abortion, lesbian rights, and neutering men.

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