Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, July 7, 2014

USAToday Reporter Calls Border Surge Obama's "Katrina Moment"

From Ace of Spades HQ: The chaos just won't stop.
MSNBC panelists on Monday seemed puzzled by the president’s refusal to visit the U.S.-Mexico border while he fundraises in Texas, with USA Today reporter Susan Page calling the decision Mr. Obama's "Katrina moment." Appearing on "The Daily Rundown," Carolyn Ryan of The New York Times argued that the crisis on the border, in which thousands of immigrants are crossing illegally in record numbers, goes to question the president’s competence...

[Chuck] Todd said the administration has been "defiant" in refusing to visit the border while the president attends a fundraiser in Texas on Wednesday.

"It's a Katrina moment, right?” Ms. Page asked. "And you're going to a fundraiser and not going to the border where there’s this crisis?"
Now that was an unexpected take.

Will the Drive-By-Media finally stop protecting the Dear Leader?

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