Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, July 4, 2014

Obama’s Imperial Overreach

From Kirsten Powers via Instapundit:
Notice that the former constitutional law professor did not make a substantive legal case in defense of his executive power grabs. He merely stated that what he did was popular, ergo his extra-constitutional actions are fine. A more reassuring answer would include explaining how his actions are consistent with the Constitution.
..................... Liberals who obsessed over President Bush's abuses of executive power are suspiciously silent now, or worse, defend the same behavior they found abhorrent in a Republican.

It's up to debate as to whether Boehner has standing for this lawsuit. If he does, count me as an unlikely supporter.

Like a handful of liberal voices, at the same time I support most of Obama's domestic policy initiatives, including those he accomplished through executive action, I can't support the way he has put them in place. We elected Obama president, not emperor.
If illegal actions are okay if they become popular, what happens when running Obama out of town on a rail becomes popular? Judging by the polls, the trend is not his friend. If only Obama had seen A Man For All Seasons. Or at least picked up a famous quote somewhere.
The Dear Leader has pen and a phone. He will use his executive power as he sees fit, since Congress won't act.

Question? Why has he not taken any executive action to deal with the flood of illegal immigrant children overwhelming the border?

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