Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Affirmative Consent" -- The Sex Police on the Defensive

From Cathy Young at Real Clear Politics via Instapundit:
While the bill has been criticized across the political spectrum as an intrusive and bizarre attempt to micromanage sexuality, its defenders are mobilizing as well. They claim that “affirmative consent” is meant simply to ensure that all sex is wanted sex and that its critics are either rape-loving misogynists or misguided folks confused about what this standard actually means.

So, how convincing are those defenses?

A rather strongly worded diatribe against “rape apologists”—and, specifically, yours truly—comes from firebrand feminist blogger Amanda Marcotte on According to Marcotte, I am a “professional female misogynist” who thinks that women “exist in a state of consent all the time” unless they explicitly say “no.” Of course, what I actually wrote was that consent is usually given through nonverbal cues—often, especially in first-time sex, in a gradual buildup of physical contact.
The California Legislature, whose combines IQ points might reach double digits, ironically, is trying to legislates what goes on in the bedroom, after spending decades castigating Republicans for doing the same thing. Especially when it comes to abortion and gay marriage. This is part of the Democrats current election cycle "cause de' jour."

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