Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, June 30, 2014

White House Spokesman -- "The Constitutional Lawyer in the White House" Disagrees with the Supreme Court

From the Washington Free Beacon via Ace of Spades HQ:
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the “constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office” disagreed with the Supreme Court’s assessment of religious freedom Monday during his daily press briefing.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of the Christian-owned company Hobby Lobby, saying by a 5-4 vote that Obamacare’s mandate that companies pay for insurance coverage for contraception violated its religious freedom.

“There are now a group of women of an indeterminate size who no longer have access to free contraceptive coverage simply because of some religious views that are held not by them, necessarily, but by their bosses,” Earnest said.
Typical Liberals, they want someone to pay for their stuff.

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