Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

FBI documents confirm everything suspected about IRS slow walking Tea Party applications

From Rick Moran at The American Thinker Blog:
The truth has finally tied its shoes and caught up with the lies told by IRS officials with regard to the treatment of applications for tax exempt status by Tea Party groups.

FBI documents released by Judicial Watch include interviews with IRS employees in the Cincinnati tax exempt office run by Lois Lerner that prove employees were under instructions to bury the applications of Tea Party groups.

The IRS, their defenders in the Democratic party, and the president himself have all claimed that there was no "targeting" of Tea Party and other conservative groups by the IRS. This is a flat out lie and officials at the IRS who have made this claim in congressional testimony should be charged with perjury.

That it took this long to expose the scheme is not surprising. The Obama administration has always played the long game with regard to most of their scandals, hoping to run out the clock on the Obama presidency before anyone was held accountable. But those IRS officials in Washington responsible for the hold on Tea Party applications are bureaucrats who can and should be prosecuted. Whether they will be depends on who the next president is.
Frong march the partisans out of the IRS. Trump for President.

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