Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Virginia Supreme Court squashes Clinton-McAuliffe plan to win with felons’ votes

From Thomas Lifson at The American Thinker Blog:
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a longtime member of the Clinton Machine, tried to swing Virginia into semi-permanent blue status with sweeping executive orders that would have allowed hundreds of thousands of felons to vote in the November election. Felons are among the most loyal demographic slices of the citizenry for the Democratic Party. Far too little attention is given to the nature of that attraction, revolving around the notion of getting money and “stuff” without having to work for it, and to pay for it, taking money away from the people who earned it, at the point of a gun if necessary.

The state Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that McAuliffe exceeded his authority.
Another Clinton hack trying to steal the election.

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