Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What Obama Hath Wrought -- He's Killed That 'Permanent Democratic Majority' Stone Cold Dead

From the Draw and Strike Blog:, (H/T Ace of Spades HQ)
To help all my Democratic friends out there fully grasp just what Obama and Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi have done to their party, here's a handy side by side comparison between where we were after 2008 and where we are now:

While Progressives have been eagerly egging Obama on into even more outrageous power grabs & acts that undermine our Constitutional form of government with separated powers and checks & balances, they haven't noticed the ground has shifted at the state level.

I've said for years to change deep blue Washington you've first got to change more than 75% of America into a Red State. Change the country, then force change on DC. It's the only way.

All the people mad at the present GOP leadership need to understand one thing: that leadership's time is almost up. Democrats aren't the only ones who see the voters coming for them. The squishy GOP leadership in Washington that has consistently failed to keep it's promises or put up much of a fight at all is on notice. Voters aren't bathing America in a sea of Red just so it can be business as usual up there inside the Beltway. This leadership hasn't delivered and soon it will be replaced.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this maps will stun liberals/progressive into silence.

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