Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Saturday, July 25, 2015

What Happens When Science Allows Us to Abort A Baby If It Has the ‘Gay Gene’?

From The Journal by ILReview:
The crux of my concern over the last several years is the inevitable intersection of “safe abortions” and genetic selection to weed out “undesirables.” Genetic selection has reared its head already over the past few decades in China — girls are aborted and boys are the favored gender.

In the United States, we are seeing a steep reduction in the number of Down’s Syndrome babies over the last decade due to the identification of the genetic underpinnings. A study documenting the years of 2006-2010, show that “abortions after prenatal diagnosis have reduced the population of individuals living with Down’s Syndrome in the U.S. by approximately 30%.” There is now a “convenient” blood test to screen for potential Down’s in unborn babies.

So what do the LGBTQ activists — who are mostly left-wing — do when faced with the inevitable collision of “gay rights” and “reproductive rights”? We seem to be on the verge of the science community agreeing that there are genetic underpinnings to being born gay.
Several years ago a scientist, who happened to be gay, reported that he had proof that being gay was genetic. At the time, his motivation was to provide scientific proof that being gay, was nature not nurture.

Rush Limbugh discussed the scientist discovery on his radio show. He comments that the report was not peer reviewed and was probably politically motivated, but he did talk quite a bit about the day in the future when and if a gay gene was proven. He predicted that the gay rights lobby will instantly flip to being pro-life.

This article lays out quite a logical argument that the flip may not be as quick and easy as Limbaugh predicted.

My view, any internal war between the coalition of single issue voters who make up the Democratic Party is a good thing.

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