Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Thursday, July 16, 2015

USA Today editors call for an end to “sanctuary cities”

From Hot Air:
The case of Kate Steinle, the young woman shot and killed by an illegal immigrant, has prompted a heated debate over immigration policy and so-called “sanctuary cities.” San Francisco set Steinle’s killer free before the murder because of its adoption of “sanctuary city” status. This movement began a few decades ago as a symbolic protest against enforcement of immigration law, but now the real-world consequence of setting repeat offenders loose has finally caught up with one of those cities — not to mention the Steinle family, who had nothing to do with it.

USA Today’s editorial board calls for an end to this dangerous posturing today, at least in San Francisco.

The Steinle case provides the worst-case example of how “sanctuary city” policies and their like can end up backfiring on communities, which makes it an attractive case to use for political battles.
Sorry,USA Today, too little too late.

You and your ilk in the Drive-By Media have supported sanctuary policies for years. It's only now, after a Presidential Candidate made a big deal about it and the subsequent murder highlighting the folly of such policies, do you suddenly or "unexpectedly" realize the effects.

Since you and your kind live in the ivory towers, behind your gated communities, within expensive bastions, where the grit and grim of such policies do not effect your everyday life, you only suddenly realize the problem. There are many people, who lives have been destroyed daily by these issues. I can only hope your life and families are victimized. Maybe then, will you do you job and hold the feet to the fire, those in political position to solve the problem, instead of demagogue.

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