Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Friday, July 24, 2015

Student Takes His School To The Cleaners For $900k

From The Daily Caller:
A student expelled from a public college for dubious reasons has been vindicated, and has picked up a cool $900,000 in the process.

Way back in 2007, Hayden Barnes was a student at Georgia’s Valdosta State University. The school at the time was planning to build two new parking garages on campus, and Barnes was strongly opposed. So, Barnes expressed his frustration on social media, posting an image collage to Facebook that, among other things, included a picture of Valdosta’s then-president Ronald Zaccari.

Zaccari promptly flew off the handle, labeling the collage a “threatening document” because it dubbed one of the garages the “Zaccari Memorial Parking Garage” (Zaccari said the name implied a threat to murder him). Declaring that Barnes was an imminent threat to both Valdosta at large and Zaccari’s own personal safety, the president unilaterally expelled him without even holding a hearing.

Since then, Barnes graduated from a different college, got a law degree, got married and had a kid. But he remained convinced that his expulsion from Valdosta was a grave wrong, and was determined to be vindicated in the courts. His initial lawsuit against the school transformed into a bruising seven-year legal battle.
This kid needs to be hired by the law firm that's going after Universities, which are improperly expelling male students for "sexual assault" without due process. This kids is going bankrupt many schools.

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