Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, July 20, 2015

Some Good News

From Ace of Spades HQ:
First, reminding us that there are many good and decent people fighting the good fight for freedom, Aaron and Melissa Klein (Sweet Cakes by Melissa) who had been ordered to pay $135,000 to a same-sex couple who threw a legal-sized fit when the Kleins opted not to to provide a cake for their commitment ceremony because it would violate their religious beliefs, have seen a record-breaking $352,500 raised at their Continue to Give fundraising campaign. This just in two months time and on top of the $109,000 already raised in the now shutdown GoFundMe campaign.
Fly over country responding to the militant gay rights activist.

It's also nice to know that these people won't be losing their home, can pay the obscene fine and get on with their live.

P.S. -- Mr. and Mrs Klein, time to move out of Oregon!

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