Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir

Monday, July 27, 2015

Carly Fiorina demolishes EMILY's List representative on 'heavily edited' body parts videos

From American Thinker Blog:
Planned Parenthood and the abortion-supporting Democrats are taking on water over the stunning videos of PP reps haggling over the price of fetal body parts and discussing how to conduct abortions to preserve the most valuable organs for handing over to third parties in return for money (they refuse to call it “selling”).  As Rick Moran reports this morning, PP’s president absurdly is blaming “militants” for the videos.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Carly Fiorina debated EMILY’s List vice president Jess McIntosh, and handed the abortion enthusiast her posterior.
In the past, the left has never had to logically and rationally defend their positions, but with the advent of Talk Radio, the Internet, and Fox News, they are being dragged out of their protective media cocoons.  And the results are not pretty.

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